Celeste King is a badass mama of three girls, and she has been riding at our Felida studio since they opened last year! After a life of marathon running, she needed something different that would still challenge her during her pregnancy, and StarCycle was just what she needed. Continue reading to learn how Celeste not only gets a good workout from StarCycle, but it has helped shape her lifestyle.

Name: Celeste King

Home Studio: Felida, Vancouver WA

How long have you been riding?
I became a founding member when the Felida studio opened in October of 2018 and have been riding like a boss ever since.

What do you love the most about Starcycle?
Spin is not an individual sport. We are all there motivating and complimenting and socializing ~ it’s a community. I love the cardio workout and the music and the dimmed lights! Where else can you go to the club at 6 am for a dance party with all your friends 🙂

What is your favorite section of class?
I love love love around the world push ups!!!! I love looking up in the mirror and seeing all the strong, powerful, glistening humans all moving in sync with such concentration and motivation. I just feel this overpowering feeling of unity and teamwork. Spin is not an individual sport. We are all there motivating and complimenting and socializing ~ it’s a community.

I started going to Starcycle when I was 8 months pregnant with my twins. I have been an avid runner for years, I ran endurance trails, marathons, overnight relay races but when I got pregnant with the twins certain issues arose and the little girls weren’t snuggled in tight enough for mama to continue running so my running was put on hold. Craving that cardio workout still, I heard word of Starcycle Felida opening soon and I was on board…. I couldn’t wait for them to open. I had done spin at other facilities and I knew I liked the workout but I had no idea what I was in store for. I went to the first class during their free ride opening week and I signed up immediately for the founding membership. How else can you be 8 months pregnant with twins and get a cardio workout and a serotonin rush??!! I even did the 6 am ride on the morning that they were born, just a quick detour on the way to the hospital. I ride allot, as much as I can fit into my schedule. I love it, and in fact now the twins are 14 months old and I am free to resume my running and I am still getting my cardio fix at Starcycle and I don’t see that changing.

What outside your life has changed:
My family has become part of the Starcycle community. On weekends, I bring all three of my girls (three, 3 and under) with me to spend time in the child care. They love it!! My daughters have made relationships with the staff as well as the other kids there. This is incredible to me. They are seeing all these strong, powerful and healthy people making this part of their life and this is what they see and will be a part of when they are older. I actually give my 3 year old the option of coming with me or staying home and she ALWAYS picks Starcycle… That’s my girl!

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